Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Whole New World

Hello! Here goes my first post. The first 2 pictures are before the surgery. The second two I just took today. First I want to say thank you to my family members that have helped me get my lap band. Aunt Susie and Uncle Rick, Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Mike, Porsche and Ernie, Mom and Jim, and my brother for all of his financial advice. I can't express how grateful I am to all of my family members for this wonderful opportunity I have to create a new life for myself.

SO...Here is what went down pre-surgery. Three weeks before surgery I was put on a diet to shrink my stomach and liver. It was slightly difficult but I tried to do my best and stay on track. I ended up losing 15 lbs before surgery which was fun to see as I got weighed right before the surgery. I had mom and Jim there to support me and make sure I didn't get too nervous. Before I went under, my anesthesiologist told me that I would be getting sick no matter what because I get nauseous easily when I have any anesthesia. That was not such a fun thing to hear. I was giving several shots and an IV was put in. I had to wear a diaper which made me laugh a bit. I was taken back for surgery and remember them spreading my arms and then I was out.

Post-surgery: I remember waking up and feeling sick immediately. The nurse gave me pain and nausea meds and told me I needed to get dressed. That wasn't too fun but eventually I was covered and back in a sitting position. She then gave me another shot of nausea meds and we waited to see if I felt better. No such luck. She let me know that I could go home or get another type of nausea medication and wait 30 more minutes. I decided to go home and sleep it off. The ride home was very quiet but mom was great, she checked to see if I was okay a few times but we made it back home. I slept for a while and tried to drink water throughout the rest of the day. I had pain but not too severe. I have to say that the worst part of recovering was the air pressure I felt for about a week after surgery. They needed to inflate some things inside my body and tried to get all of the air out but we not able to get rid of all of the air. Therefore I had to let the air absorb or get out the "natural way" (i.e. gas). It felt like someone was sitting on me. I couldn't breathe very well for a while and standing up was painful for a few days. I was on a liquid diet for a week post surgery. Basically, I could have broth, water, popsicles, skim milk, etc. Cold liquids were painful at first so that was disappointing.

I went back to work after 4 days. It might have been too early but I am not one to stay at home. My job is wonderful and it wasn't too stressful. My boss was taking good care of me as well my co-workers. After a week, I moved on to mushy foods. I can have apple sauce, cottage cheese, cream of chicken and mushroom soups, smoothies, etc. I am still on the mushy foods and it is going well. I have lost 30 lbs so far and am very excited. Work is going great and I have a job next year so everything is going really well. I still have an incision that isn't completely healed and a really big bruise above my belly button but other than that, I am feeling really good. I tried mashed potatoes the other night and got really sick so that is the one thing that is a no go that I have tried so far. I have a Dr. appointment next week for a surgery follow up.

That is my lap band life thus far in a nut shell. I will try to do new posts once a week with pictures. Thank you all again for the support.